Friday, February 23, 2007

Snowflake at Beauty for the Beast

A little dab a due and a lot of shampo and Snowflake gets washed and her toes trimed.
Neither does she enjoy, though she does enjoy knowing other dogs are their also getting their hair done. She has learned to shake all the water and soap as far as the next tub .
There are also tables for blow dry, for that special style your looking for.
Now she smell and looks great
As you can see it's not something she enjoys. Though it is something I look forward to.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Dog and 3 climbers rescued off Mt Hood

Glad to hear the rescuers found the 3 climber and dog. They say the dog probably save their lives.
I' d say way to go Velvet, you did your job and got recognized. Got your pic in the papers and hopefully lots of love.
Most animals know where they are, its us humans who don't know how to communicate with other than with human.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mardi Gras in New York

The Westminster was held in New York this week and Iris Love hosted a pre Westminster party
Way to go Iris,what a fun thing to do for all to meet, and have dog met dog, swap stories and tails. Catch up from last years gossip and spread some new ones. Really juicy one that make your hair ruffie up, and learn the social things to do.
I am always looking for things to do with my pal. I get to meet some intresting people out their walking with my pal.
During the holidays I like to dress her up in party collars. She knows its happy times, for when people see the colorful collar on they give her more attention, and that makes her happy

Friday, February 9, 2007


I am looking for one on those restaurant cheese-burgers. The kind that make your mouth water when thinking of the love that goes into it. The cook who is sweating behind the grill and the smile on the waitress who is sopoes to be nice, looking forward to the tip I will be leaving.
Like when I feed Snowflake. I put food in her dish. She knows the routine. She knows when I go into the can where I keep the dry food. She knows the loving childish words I say as I get the food ready for her, whether its dry out of a bag or opening a can. Either way she does her dance and tricks, her mouth drooles from the thought of the meal that's coming her way.
So I am doing the same thinking of the delish cheese-burger I am ordering. When the waitress ask "what kind of cheese-burger?" Now I am confused. All my life, really all my life no one had to explain to me what a cheese-burger was. Now a waitress at a truck stop is asking me to explain!
I think,I believe the dictionary describes cheese-burger,hamburger containing a slice of cheese.
Do I say this to her? She works here, am I the first person to ask for a cheese-burger?
Needless to say my mouth stop watering I had no doggy bag to take to Snowflake, I did not leave a tip.Nor can I say I will be back to that restaurant.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Getting hair styled

I had an appointment and I am on time, almost. As I walk into the hairdresser I notice 1/2 doz people and a puppy. The puppy has a green Guide Dog pack on her. Their is a boy of 13, I find out who has taken on the job of socializing and basic training the dog till she comes of age. The puppy is about 41/2 months the boys says he will keep the dog for about a year. Their after he is to give the dog up. Another lady ask him if he has done this before. "No" the boy answers. Then she ask "Will it be hard to give up the puppy". I think and I believe the others in the room are also thinking the same. "Yes, but I get to visit and get to met the person she is going to".
When she leaves the boy she will be formally trained at a school,where she will learn advance obedience, stopping at curbs and other such training where she will be responsible for a person.
It got me thinking of all the different kinds of school of training we have for dogs.
We are beginning to learn to communicate with animals