Monday, February 5, 2007

Getting hair styled

I had an appointment and I am on time, almost. As I walk into the hairdresser I notice 1/2 doz people and a puppy. The puppy has a green Guide Dog pack on her. Their is a boy of 13, I find out who has taken on the job of socializing and basic training the dog till she comes of age. The puppy is about 41/2 months the boys says he will keep the dog for about a year. Their after he is to give the dog up. Another lady ask him if he has done this before. "No" the boy answers. Then she ask "Will it be hard to give up the puppy". I think and I believe the others in the room are also thinking the same. "Yes, but I get to visit and get to met the person she is going to".
When she leaves the boy she will be formally trained at a school,where she will learn advance obedience, stopping at curbs and other such training where she will be responsible for a person.
It got me thinking of all the different kinds of school of training we have for dogs.
We are beginning to learn to communicate with animals

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